#20 Michael Barillère-Scholz, Co-founder & CEO, ioki - a DB company

Show notes

Since 2017, Michael has been working at ioki on the digitalization of public transport and its seamless connection to existing systems, as well as the integration of new forms of mobility. On-demand shuttles are increasingly being integrated into public transport. Michael explains to us why this makes sense, how it works and what impact autonomous vehicles will have on current transport operations.

Comments (1)

Victor S.

Thanks a lot for sharing this podcast, it is always exciting to listen to innovative approaches how to integrate emerging mobility with the public transport network. I truly believe that this technology is going to scale up during the next years as authorities start realizing the huge benefits that this service can bring to the table, specially for rural and low demand areas. Thus, more promotion of the DRT services is needed, along with the exchange of good practices, knowledge and outcomes from pilots projects with other cities and countries.

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