#53 Renn Vara, Founder & Executive Coach, SNP Communications

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In May 2011, Gunnar Froh experienced a significant turning point. Firstly, he relocated to San Francisco to contribute to the development of Airbnb. Secondly, he crossed paths with Renn Vara, Co-Founder and Executive Coach for prominent executives at Google and Facebook. After establishing a firm foundation for their relationship, Gunnar Froh moved on to establish WunderCar Solutions in 2014, initially a ride-hailing company that later transformed into the renowned Wunder Mobility - a leading market player and software provider for profitable shared mobility services.

Join the conversation as Gunnar and Renn engage in a discussion around the table, reflecting on the 10-year journey of building Wunder Mobility. From the inception of Wunder, characterized by the perception of cars as 'the enemy' at the dawn of the shared mobility revolution, to candid conversations about regrets, setbacks, challenges in the mobility industry, the significance of product innovation, and more.

Don't miss the chance to explore Gunnar Froh's insights into what the next 10 years may hold, based on the belief that 'what brought us here won't necessarily take us there.'

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